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Limb Lengthening Center Munich
Professor Baumgart, MD

Congenital leg shortening #4

Clinical Condition

A 27-year-old patient had a growth-related leg length discrepancy that mainly affected the thighs. With a height of 188 cm, he did not really want to hear anything about leg lengthening, especially since he considered himself too tall in his family environment anyway.

The right thigh is significantly shorter

The right thigh is significantly shorter

Different knee heights in the X-ray image

Different knee heights in the X-ray image


After an appointment at ZEM-Germany and a comprehensive diagnosis, the decision was quickly made that the longer leg should be shortened at the thigh, so that the annoying shoe alignment is no longer necessary and walking barefoot and doing sports are possible again without any problems. He decided on a surgical shortening of the longer thigh.

An intramedullary nail stabilizes the surgically shortened bone

An intramedullary nail stabilizes the surgically shortened bone


After a 4-day hospital stay and healing of the bone without complications, walking without walking sticks was possible 3 months after the operation, and after another 3 months the practice of sports was possible again. The implant was removed from the left thigh again after 18 months during a minor surgery.

Treatment completion

Treatment completion

Equal length straight legs

Equal length straight legs


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